Is Suicide The Only Solution?

In our society, where the value of the dollar, petrol and deisel are rising, the value of life is near to zero. Life, now, has become so worthless, for some, that people gave up on it without a prior thought. Life is life and it is the most precious thing which is provided to us by the Almighty. Then, why are we taking our preciousness so lightly?

We all know how it feels when someone who is close to our heart passes away. The pain is unbearable at times. Such a thing cannot be undone. Why does a person add up to the present suffering by giving up on her/his life?

The chief causes of suicide are, depression; overexpectations of others; end of a love relation; toxic relationships; substance abuse; poor academic score; and so on. There are many other reasons for committing such an act.

Why do one try to take her/his life? Why suicide is always seen as an easy answer to all the problems? The questions are infinite but the answer is one. We cannot know what a person is going through, because one knows how to act in order to avoid suspicion.

A person suffering from a chronic disease wants to live but a student who didn’t score well ends her/his life.

A person who fights cancer is called a warrior but someone who failed once calls himself/herself a loser and commits suicide.

A COVID-19 positive person is deliberately put under isolation and wins the battle but a lonely person finds death an easy escape.


Why are we disrespecting life? 

We are part of the society which gives importance to your outer cover, it has nothing to do with your inner self. We can transfer the blame to society, or parents, or peers, or anything in this world but we must remember our life is our responsibility

No failure is bigger than your life...

No problem is greater than your life...

Nothing, literally, nothing is more precious than your life… 

There are problems. There is pain. But “suicide” is not a solution. There is no obstacle in this universe which can’t be overcomed. If you are struggling right now, this is for you. If you are given a problem, believe me, the solution is created prior to it. If you don’t want to open-up about the states of your inner being then you have to ask for the solution from yourself. You have to change the way you live. You must not think of suicide because you dont know what the afterlife holds.

If you are suffering from depression or any other mental uneasiness or having suicidal thoughts, try to incorporate this in your everyday routine:

  • Talk to someone whom you trust or seek guidance from a psychiatrist or psychologist.

  • Try to channelise your mind and thoughts in a different direction.

  • Work upon your hobby.

  • Listen to good music or try listening to frequencies (on YouTube) to calm your mind.

  • Always have faith in the Divine or God. Seek His help.

  • Try to be more physically active.

  • Avoid intoxicants.

  • Don't self-pity.

  • Most importantly, “talk to yourself”. (This is not crazy. This is the best way.)

  • Watch motivational videos.

  • Explore nature, watch birds, sky, stars, feel the breeze and walk.

  • Meditate. (You’ll get the answers and strength from within.)

Don’t be harsh on yourself. There are so many people who love you, who are dependent on you (including pets). You can’t just go away.

Suicide is not a solution but an invitation to a lot more problems. If you kill someone, it’s a murder, a sin, a crime. If you kill yourself, it’s a murder, a sin, a crime, as well. 

You are precious. Your life is precious. Do not quit on it for something momentary. When there is no one who could listen to you, pour your heart out in front of the creator, He always listens and He knows everything. He will help you.

May everyone be blessed with love and light!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you dear... Lots of love and positivity... <3

  2. Go out in society and see in how dismantled conditions people are living, can also give you the strength that how privileged somebody is.
    But Saloni, sucide is never the individual's act, many invisabal societal forces are working behind individuals action. Well just a thought.
    Well, very well written

    1. Hi Arjun, I agree with you that "suicide" is an issue greater than what we apprehend. Definitely, societal norms and forces play a major role but we have power to control our emotional well-being and that strength fails in front of the problem one is facing. If a person is strong from the inside and don't worry much about others it will definitely make some difference. And the small changes leads to the bigger one. Thank you for giving me another perspective of an important issue. Best wishes!


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