
Peace, a great word, used by mostly all beings. But, what does it mean? Some says, "Peace is freedom from disturbance and interference." For Politicians and Democrats, peace stands for no conflict, no war, no discomfort between various areas, states, nations and countries. While some holds that peace is silence, no chaos, no discords, no quarrels in society or individuals. I googled the notion of peace but found no exact definition of it.

We usually talk about peace and harmony, but have ever been curious to know what actually the word Peace denotes? The answer would be "no" for many of us, right! We humans use words for the sake of using it only. We are happy at the surface level, nobody wants to go depth of the things, though there are some exceptions and will always be.

One of the many influential British Philosophers, Bertrand Russell, said "Philosophers answers those ultimate questions which science fails to answer." Let's begin our tour to find Peace.

Peace is something which is "internal" as well as "eternal".  Peace cannot be categorised as a commodity which can be exchanged for money or goods. Peace can be found everywhere yet nowhere. It exists in your heart, your mind and your soul.
If peace is everywhere then why are we empty handed? Why there are conflicts? Why there are terrorist attacks? Why there is social injustice, racism, gender inequality? Ughh! Questions are never-ending but the answer is only one. All of us are facing problems because till now we have not found the Peace.

Peace is within ourselves, everything is inside us, but unfortunately we are busy finding it in the external world. Our eyes are closed on the inside, and the irony is we are ignorant of this. We all are materialists, we focus on materials and are always working to increase it's count. Money can buy you every possible and available material but can never get you Peace. We have everything but we lack peace. So how to find Peace in this world full of uncertainties?

It's not that difficult but also isn't easy at the same time. Human beings are imperfect but we are gifted with the attribute called "rationality". Aristotle, a Greek Philosopher, said "Man is a Rational Animal". The need is to quit the "rat race" and begin to use reason. It is often said "do what makes you happy" it's right but need some addition. It should be this way, "do what makes you and Others happy". We have to switch from "I" to "we". Think before you do a thing. When you are happy you'll try to make others happy and when everyone becomes happy then there will come the "Dawn of the Peace".

Inspite of focussing on the problems, we must try to find the solutions, to make are life easy and peaceful. According to Buddhists philosophy, Buddha lighted the path of "Four Noble Truths". He propounded, first, you have to find what is your suffering? ; Second, find the cause of your suffering; Third, find the path for cessation of that suffering, and; Fourth, pursue that path. The four steps can help you find eternal Peace and bliss.

We can think of life as a game of "Hide-and-seek". There are so many truths that are hidden under the veil of ignorance, so many mysteries to be solved, our work is to find the truth,  unconceal the miracles and magic of this world, find Peace, love and happiness in all our endeavors of life.

May Almighty God shower peace on everyone!


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