
I am feeling so negative, ohhh! I feel so good, I am unable to comprehend my feelings, I feel safe (around a certain person). Believe it or not we feel something strange whenever we are around someone or something. But, why is that so? It is because of "Aura". Aura is an energy field which surrounds each an every object existent in this cosmos, be it living or non-living, corporeal or incorporeal. Aura differs in terms of degrees. The sort of feelings or emotions that we experience can speak more than words about an individual as well as about things or places. 

Aura of something or someone can affect mental, spiritual, physical, and social integrity and well-being of an individual. But our major concern is why does this aura affects us and from where does it come from? So, the aura comes from the body and is felt through our mental capacities. Aura consists of various colors, these colors are identical to the seven shades of the rainbow. Each color has its own significance. Whatever we experience, filters through our aura and, reaches us. We experience the aura of others, and in same way others experience's our aura. How you are feeling at a particular moment, you are making the other person feel same as yourself. 

The unhealthy feelings or emotions you realize are acquired by you from someone else. The weak the aura, the more chances for you to invite negativity in your life. We create aura around us by ourselves. Positivity creates aura of positivity, happiness, and all joyous feels. Your interactions will also affects others and their well-being. You like someone, or you dislike something the reason behind this is nothing but aura of that thing (or person) and you. The strong aura, be it good or bad, dominates over the weak one.

How to protect one's aura? Simple, first, observe your feelings and emotions evoked in you when you are around someone (or something). If you feel at peace, applause, you are heading right. If it's difficult, then wait, notice keenly, find its cause, make sure you have to be calm. Then do some breathing, relax! Shift your attention to the good things. Have some water. You'll start feeling good. And be grateful to the Almighty! 

When something disturbs you, instantly shift your attention, do not react, don't let it control you. Breathe, just breathe more deeply and you are done. Think positive, feel positive, and spread positivity.
Light and blessings to all!!

[NOTE: You can see the aura as well just google it to know the tricks and get treats.]


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