Born Into A Trap!

We all like beginnings. We are born, we learn new things, we do various activities, and throughout our lives we keep on doing something new. In order to do that something the foremost important thing to be done is " we have to be born ". But how would you react if you get to know that you are born into a trap . Yes, you read it right you are born into a trap. But what sort of trap is this? and what is this trap? The trap here is the "World" we are living in. Now, how this world is a trap? Since the time we are born our life is getting congested, gradually. We are moving from no stress to lots of stress, from nothing to so many things. We are engaged too much in this world that we have forgotten our own true Self. The world flatters its creatures to ignorance. The moment we are born the time begins to pass-by, with this passing time we dwell deeper and deeper into the never ending tunnel of ignorance. This tunnel is so deep that we forget that we ...