Is Suicide The Only Solution?
In our society, where the value of the dollar, petrol and deisel are rising, the value of life is near to zero. Life, now, has become so worthless, for some, that people gave up on it without a prior thought. Life is life and it is the most precious thing which is provided to us by the Almighty. Then, why are we taking our preciousness so lightly? We all know how it feels when someone who is close to our heart passes away. The pain is unbearable at times. Such a thing cannot be undone. Why does a person add up to the present suffering by giving up on her/his life? The chief causes of suicide are, depression; overexpectations of others; end of a love relation; toxic relationships; substance abuse; poor academic score; and so on. There are many other reasons for committing such an act. Why do one try to take her/his life? Why suicide is always seen as an easy answer to all the problems? The questions are infinite but the answer is one. We cannot know what a person is going through, becau...
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