The Divine Timing

It's 7:43 pm, there was so hustle-bustle around her earlier. But at the present moment everything came at rest. How, with this sudden change of time changed everything around her, with the span of a blink? She was stressed then now relieved, she was restless then now at peace. There is something or someone having a check over her, her desires, her need or her destiny.
Who is this?
She started to contemplate. "Is it the timing?" she asked herself. "This is not the regular timing but the Divine Timing."

Sometimes everything appears to be destined, is there a "destiny" ahead of us which does everything before us even knowing it. Everyone does agree that there are quite many things which happen without any explanation. Sometimes you thought of doing something at a particular time but unfortunately that thing keeps on postponing for no specific reason, and the moment you thought of giving up on it, then you realize that that thing has already been done by you and you have no idea how it happened, you were stuck with it a few moments ago and now its all done.
What does it shows?
It shows that you have no control over the things. You are so sure and strong in your belief that you have the whole world in your hand, but the truth is you have control on nothing except your intentions. When you hold something firmly in your heart or mind there is something out there in the universe which begins to manifest it to the real. The manifestation of that will show up when there comes the 'right time'.

If everything would have been under the manual control the reality would have been upside down because every individual will act for his/her own benefit keeping aside the well-being of others. We humans have failed to keep up the peace around us to a vast extent, thus, there is an intervention of some Divine principle who hovers above us to keep the life going. Some might identify this Divine principle as God, or Jesus, or Allah, but we all are sure that there is something or someone Above all.

At the end, I would say always have trust that whatever had happened or will happen would be best for all. If you want something in your life just have faith and believe the Divine Timing because everything happens at a certain time and when it is for you it is Divine. Just be patient. As Aristotle says, 
Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet.

Just like now, I was constantly thinking of writing a blog since a couple of days and here I am done with it and I did not even realized it, this is what Divine Timing is. 


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