I need Me

There is a continuous increment in the human population and at the same time there is an increase in loneliness among people. Loneliness is one of the major cause behind mental illness. In the current scenario, irrespective of number of friends on social media, deep down every single person is alone.

Is this isolation a boon or a bane?
Most of us will say it is a bane. Let's go deep into this. There are two words, "Isolation" and "Solitude". The meaning of these terms may seem same, as both refers to 'being alone', but there is a quite great difference between both. Isolation means being alone (in negative sense) and solitude means being alone (in positive sense). Confused? Let me clear your confusion. The meaning of these words might seem same but the difference is mainly of the "intention" behind it. 
A person in isolation feels unhappy and a person in solitude feels happy and motivated, both are alone but there is a single difference and that is one's mindset. 

Presently, the problem is of isolation. Why are people lonely? Why some individuals feel alone by being in a group of friends, or  being with their families? It is because they have friends and family with them, but in these groups there is no one who can listen to them. We can have good time with friends and family, we can make lots of memories with them but when a person is in need of emotional support there is no one, yes, no one. Not a single person who can listen. 

A group friends can have various type of individuals in it but at last what one desires is one genuine friend. It is been said that parents are child's first teacher and best friend, but the case seems vague. Most parents, nowadays, prefer to work after having a child, which is really good, because they want their baby to have a secure and good life. But in this race of security and physical well-being of child they forget about the emotional and mental need of their little one. Parents are working, they have professional responsibilities and deadlines, hence, at some point of time the balance between professional and personal front starts shaking. In order, to become friends with their children, parents must give ample amount of time to their younger ones, this does not mean quiting your job. At a regular interval of time, try to ask your child about their problems, their happy (and sad) moments of the day, what they want to do, where do they want to go for an outing or a dinner, what new did they learnt at schools or at college and so on. When the parent is homemaker, she/he must fulfill their child's emotional requirements.

A child, a teenager, an adult and an elderly, requires an emotional support. When this emotional support is not available to them then their entire world seems to shake and everything starts to fall apart. This lack of mental well-being opens door for Isolation and as a result poor mental health. Such individuals become prone to stress, anxiety, low self-confidence, hesitation, depression, aggression, insomnia, negative thoughts, negative self-judging, to name a few. And in the worst of the worst cases, suicidal thoughts and attempts. All this comes from not having someone who could listen them, advice them, support them, motivate them. These all are consequences of "Isolation". 

Now, how to avoid this?

It is better to cry sometimes. It is better to say whatever you feel. One has to try speaking to one's parents or some trusted friend, or one can take help from a pyschologist or a psychiatrist. If one is not comfortable in speaking about their problem to any one for any reason, in that case, you have to talk to yourself, yes, to your own self. You just have to take everything out of yourself and in doing so no one will judge you. Once every suppressed emotion is out, every toxic thought is out you have to take first step towards "Self Love". You have to start loving yourself. Listen to good music, dance to its beats. Listen to some frequencies on YouTube (just write- "frequencies to calm mind" and numerous results awaits you . Click on any result, plug-in earphones and relax, close your eyes and relax). Frequencies are great to tackle insomnia too. Gaze at the sky, at the stars, at the moon. Start humming your favorite song(s). These are the measures of self love. Once you enjoy the company of yourself you are in "Solitude". 

In Solitude, one gets wisdom. In solitude, one starts to ascend and have self-realization. When you start enjoying your being alone, no negative thought could ever touch you. And you can pass it on to others to cure their mental pain. This self love is the best medicine available to get rid of mental or psychological diseases. There is a need for listeners now, so we all have to be one. We have to start this from our near and dear ones. If you see anyone or figure out that someone is going through mental suffering help them, ease their pain. 

Never doubt yourself or your worth. In this problem you are not alone. If you have no one behind your back who could catch you when you fall, just remember you have to get yourself. You are the one who can save you. Because at the end of the day it's you all alone with yourself.  Start loving yourself now. 

#MentalHealth #MentalWellBeing #Motivation #YourLifeMatters


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