Coronavirus everywhere...

The whole world is under the dread of coronavirus. A pandemic which has turned the whole world upside down. But why are we suffering because of this pandemic? Is it really the result of karma? Is this pandemic human-made? Or there is some mysterious superpower or something supernatural which is taking control over us? We can make innumerable assumptions about this global crisis.

As most of us know that a great portion of world's population consumes animal meat. The suffering that goes into the meat production is beyond the realm of reason. Billions of animals are slaughtered annually. The common teachings of most religions says killing is immoral and everyday thousands of animals are killed for human consumption and other trivial purposes. This is why, many people who are believers of law of karma (action) are claiming that the pandemic is result of the bad karmas related to killing and torturing of animals because coronavirus COVID-19 has animal origin. This could be a possibility that we are actually reaping the fruits of our actions, and here we are reaping it at a global level.

Several rumors came to being that coronavirus is a result of an experiment gone wrong, it being human-made, or so. But it has been clarified now that this contagious virus has its origin in bats or pangolins and not from some conspiracy theory. 

From another perspective, here Theists, believes that world is being punished by God for interrupting the natural way of things or nature. It is true that we human beings are causing much damage to our Earth in various ways such as causing all forms of pollution, excessive use of plastics, mining, destroying forests, losing biodiversity, to name a few. One can dwell on this perspective as well that God or some supernatural power or Nature is penalizing us for all wrongs. But if we go by this idea it makes God look cruel that He is taking vengeance for the sake of other components of our world or He is enjoying the mass deaths. In this respect, I think theory of karma is more reasonable.

Whatever is the reason for this global pandemic, let's hope for it to end soon. But like everything the coronavirus engulfs some goodness, goodness not in-itself but for us. Goodness? How can such a thing be called good? I am not saying that coronavirus is good but what I mean is that a small virus, which is spreading fast, changed the face of world. It brought us to perceive reality in an unexpected way.

We thought that if we want to earn then we have to go out of home, if we want to take a break from work then we have to step out and go for a vacation, if we want to study then we have to go to school or colleges, if we want to spend time with loved ones we used to go to some restaurants or movies or shopping, some of us work so hard that we have no time to cook, some of us are too busy to spend time with family, but now, suddenly whole reality changed. In this deadly coronavirus outbreak, we are just confined to our homes, we are working from home, studying or attending online classes at home, relaxing at home, eating food cooked at home, watching movies and spending time with our near and dear ones at home. This outbreak brought us near to our home and elucidated the importance of it. None of us ever thought about something like this to take place. We are living in a time and are a part of a time which will be recorded in history. This time of pandemic is making us realize the value of our lives, our families, and most importantly ourselves.  It is teaching us the essentialness of change. We are not only changing the habits of personal hygiene and safety but also it is making us more responsible when it comes to safety of others.

From the environmental outlook, by being and working at and from home we are contributing to nature. We came to know through news and social media how pollution has been reduced because of quarantine, how the water and air are getting clean naturally, how our eating habits are changing, no traffic jams, reduction in the use of natural resources and so on. But I admit that the negatives are much more than positives. People are dying in large numbers, tens of thousands of people are infected, we cannot go outside without proper precautionary measures, we can't even meet our friends, at some places there is no food, and numerous other things.

Huhh! what should we do in the current situation? First important thing is personal hygiene, secondly, taking care of one's mental health, there is no need to panic we have to utilize this time to self-inspect and introspect. We are given a once in a lifetime opportunity to change ourselves. We have to do things which we always wanted to do. You wanted to read that one book, read it now; you wanted to start with exercise, it is the time to do; you thought of pursuing your hobby, just go for it. We will not get this time again. Ascend yourself on spiritual front. Realize your true self. People are suggesting to do yoga in this time of social isolation, just do it. If it pleases you work on it.

I also came across a message that more we focus on negativity, more negativity we invite that is the law of attraction. This implies the more we focus or think about this pandemic, more worse the situation get. The only option we are left with is seeking a positive outlook. We have to put our positive intentions into the Universe and wish for the best. Wish for the good times to come soon. In this time of need, let's unite in thought and stay safe.


  1. Astounding!👌 Keep going saloni

  2. Incredible work Saloni ����������

  3. I am proud of you Saloni
    I really appreciate your perspective
    This blog is an eye-opener
    Keep writing and sharing
    Stay safe

    1. Thank you so much It means too much ❤️😘


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