Set Them Free...

After going through four lockdowns we realised that captivity is bad. It takes away our freedom of mobility and choice of life that we wish for. Most parts of the world have faced and are facing similar circumstances. This reality is new and different for us  but what is essential to look up to now is that the same reality has been suffered for decades by various sentient creatures. These creatures are none else than animals and birds.

The pandemic arrived now. These poor creatures are supposed to spend their whole lives in captivity that is also without any fear of some deadly virus outbreak but only for the pleasure of human beings. Many activists are voicing against the ill-treatment of animals and birds in factory farms, in scientific experimentations, in zoos, for sports, and other activities. They have been locked down for their lives.

This is the picture of pigeons flying together in the air. Their wings are open and every feather is visible.

If we keenly view and compare our lives (in lockdown) with that of these innocent creatures, most of us might go out of our minds. Because of the lockdown we couldn't step out of our homes. The groceries and other essential things were being delivered directly to our houses. In a similar manner, the animals and birds in zoos, factory farms get their food. These living beings cannot go out for food.

We humans were not allowed to go out to visit our surroundings or go for a stroll because we were and are afraid of the virus and it is actually the need of the hour. We must stay indoors as much as possible. Similarly, these animals are not infected but still cannot step out of their tiny cages because they are not living beings but a part of living exhibition which will make the humans rich.

Just like human beings in lockdown, animals and birds cannot go to places where they want to go. But we were with our families making memories, animals were aloneand are still alone.

The essence of a bird is to fly in the limitless sky but the bird is caged. Animals are separated from their families for life. They are parted from their homes, that is, wilderness. These creatures are isolated. Not properly taken care of. Forced to live in confined spaces of factory farms and zoos. 

When I was 16, I went to a zoological park with my family. I noticed quite a few things there. I saw pheasants, parrots, owls, peacocks, tigers, lions, monkeys, boar and many other species. There a hornbill caught my attention. The hornbill was sitting quietly in the corner of his cage and I felt that he was lonely and sad but nothing could be done. The only alternative to make the hornbill happy was to set him free. Similarly, all the birds and animals were struggling to escape from the captivity but their future is bleak.

Our actions can change the lives of these innocent creatures. The only need is to change our lifestyle. The best possible way to end their atrocities is to stop going to zoological parks, stop the consumption of meat, and make laws to safeguard animals in labs. Prohibition of hunting and poaching. No deforestation. Absolute no use of animals in sports. If we stop paying for them, these operations will stop automatically.

It is being studied that animals are capable of having experiences and pain sensations but still their suffering is not much visible. 

Right now, we are living that life which we never imagined even in our dreams. We all are eagerly waiting for the pandemic to end. But the real question is when are we putting a stop to animal suffering? Lockdown has ended but when will the lockdown in animals' life end? 

We all have realized that lockdown is bad, now, we have to realize that it is bad for each and every living creature. May all the creatures in captivity be set free… This can be brought to life when we realise the consequences of our actions. We have to realise our essence which is “humanity”, which seems to be lost.

“Let all the animals and birds be set free in the embrace of Mother Nature.”





  1. I always adore your work. You have a different perspective about life. ������������ Keep growing.

    1. Thank you so much Aayush... Best wishes...🌼

  2. Animals have not done any crime but we human beings who put them in prisoners are real criminals.... Also making them eat crackers prove that we are not less than terrorist. Many more incidents are there that questions humanity. I don't know if it makes any sense but sometimes I feel that animals are more Compassionate than us. THANKS Saloni for enlightening us with your great blog.

    1. Hey, thank you! I agree that human beings have forgotten their humanity and animals are much more compassionate. But we can only hope and help those who are working to make animals lives better. We need stricter laws to end such cruelties and abuse. On the other hand, it's responsibility of human beings to understand humanity and try to dwell on it.
      Thank you! I appreciate your views.


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