The Meaning of Time

"Time is money" but unlike money you can't get it back. Once the time is gone, it's gone forever. But there is something unique about time. Most of us know that time is eternal . We don't know when it started or came to being and we can't know when it'll stop or cease to exist. Each and every moment of time is essential and loaded with limitless possibilities. If we contemplate it, we get to know that everything takes place in time . Nothing can happen outside time. How? Let's go deeper. Try to remember a pleasant memory. Now you remember that. That memory was an event in the past and past is a component of time. Thus, memories are in time. Your actions, their results, everything occurs in time. But what is this time? Time itself is a memory, it is a healer , it can give you happiness or take it away from you (it depends on your state of mind). It is something you cannot escape. It is always there whether you notice or not. This time ...