Book Review: 'How To Win Friends and Influence People' by Dale Carnegie

Hello bibliophiles, hope you are enjoying your current read. 

As an avid reader, my objective and desire is to read different genres and explore the world of books.

So today, I’m about to review a self-help book written by Dale Carnegie, international bestselling author.


How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie is a knowledge loaded piece of writing. It is filled with real experiences of individuals who used the techniques mentioned in this book. It touches essential areas of one’s life, such as career, friendship, interpersonal and professional relations, value of others and their perspectives, and many more.

In a simplified manner, Carnegie provides tips and tricks to deal with the difficulties of human life.

The book is not only about improving one’s attitude but stresses upon the values of cherishing

relationships and positive attitude in life.

It carries valuable advice, experiences and life lessons from successful individuals listed on the

pages of history. The real life experiences make the work of Carnegie authoritative and reliable.

If you're interested in learning simple techniques that could make you a people person, you should

definitely get your hands on it.

Although the book is a source of material wisdom, there were a few drawbacks (not major).

While reading so many experiences there came a time where I was engrossed in boredom.

At some places, there were repetitions which caused lowered interest. However, to compensate

these points Carnegie kept the chapters (or rules as he names them) short. Nevertheless,

the book is well-written, vivid in explanation, and clear in understanding.

I will definitely recommend this book How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

to youngsters, the job seekers, anyone desirous of personal and familial growth, and everyone in

between. It will not only polish your essential communication and conversational skills but also polish

your life and your attitude about life and others. On the scale of 5 I would give it a nice 4.5 rating.

Here’s the scale of stars with the help of which I rate:

Lesson learning:                                ⭐

Writing style:                                      ⭐

Attention grabbing:                     Half ⭐

Narration:                                           ⭐

Gives an important message:            ⭐

So this was my review of a bestselling self-help book. I hope it will help you decide your next read.

Do let me know about your experience of reading this beautiful piece written by Dale Carnegie.

I will look up for your responses, suggestions and feedback in the comment section below. 

A smile is the best ornament you can wear.

  • Dale Carnegie (How To Win Friends and Influence People, Rule 14)

Sending smiles and happiness to everyone!



  1. Great review, Saloni, looks like a really good book!

    1. Hey there, it's really a good book. If you wish to polish your conversational skills you must read it. Thank you so much. Have a nice day!

  2. Amazing it is! Beautifully described here

    1. Thank you Sakshi 😊Glad to know that you liked it.

  3. Great review, Saloni! Looks like a really interesting book!

    1. Ohh! It is interesting, do give it a read. Have a great day!


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