What Really Matters...

Numerous people, numerous perspectives. Everyone has a perspective. It could be about anything or anyone. A perspective of an individual is a subjective asset that is influenced by innate states of mind, such as feelings and emotions. Perspective of an individual has nothing to do with the one about whom (or which) the perspective is. It shapes our view of things but has no effect on the thing itself. For instance, in the image (above), the glass is seen from different perspectives by different individuals, but does it make any difference to the glass? No. The glass is completely fine with its being. It doesn't matter what people think it (glass).

For some, a person sees her/himself in the other. An individual is reflected in the other. Simply, we are reflected in the other through our perspective of the other. Thus, a perspective is highly subjective.

Perspectives are stored in the mind. Mind is a private space and others cannot watch the movie being played there and can’t peep into it via some hole. Others’ perspective doesn’t matter because the one, about whom the perspective is, stays unaware. 

What matters is how you perceive yourself because only you have the access to your mind and whatever goes inside, it can make its way to reality. A perspective leads to thought and if a thought stays for long it tries to find a way to your world. But you can control your mind’s working just by paying attention and deleting the negativity filled in there.

Perspective is not the person. It is just a glimpse of others’ being. It is only a paragraph of someone’s life that you have read. You can never read someone’s life’s book completely but can touch the surface only. Whatever your perspective about anyone be, never trust it wholly for it may not be what it seems.

So, never get worried about how people perceive you. First, you can never know it. Second, if you do know it, you cannot change it. However, what you can change is your own perspective by finding happiness in the tiniest thing, and positivity in the hurricane of negativity because that is what really matters.

Have a great day!!


  1. Amazing and thoughtful๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ

  2. Terrific post, Saloni, words well written and spoken with the positivity and integrity of a kind hearted soul.

    1. Thank you so much for these beautiful words, it made my day. Thank you ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Sending light and happiness to you ❤️


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