
Water, chemically, H2O but primarily "source of life". According to very many philosophers, water is one of the primal element out of the 5 elements of the world. It is believed that the 5 elements, namely- Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and Ether(sky), are the cause of this universe. Water is not just a mere liquid which quenches thirsts of the millions and billions but it is much more than this. Water is important for living, no doubt, but there's something much more, that water being transparent holds within. Very few individuals know that Water have a "memory". Memory? How can a nonliving element have a memory? We all know that Water carries healing properties. We are most of the time recommended to drink plenty of water, because water can eliminate toxins and illnesses. Water cleanses us from the outside. It cleanses us physically but it can purify us mentally also. As I mentioned above that "Water has a memory", now let me put light on it. ...