Are We Really Independent?

15th August, Indian Independence Day. We Indians celebrate this day marvelously by waving the Tricolor, confronting the patriots in us, flying kites, revering our mighty soldiers, and so much more. But do we really understand the meaning of Independence? We comprehend this term in a political sense, that is, on this day we got "freedom" from others' rule, that from now on we are only dependent on our Nation, it is perhaps the best meaning but let us try to think of Independence in a completely different way. Are we really Independent? Do we actually understand it in true sense? To the first question the answer is NO. You are thinking why? right! So here you go.. Dependency is our essential nature. At every point of our lives we all are dependent on one or the other thing and we just can't get away from it. We were dependent on our mothers for our being then on air, water, food, to name a few and when we'll say goodbye to this world our body w...