What Do We Actually Need?

Every day, there’s a desire in our heart, and it could be anything, say, food, sleep, vacation, or anything on the face of earth. Most of our desires shoot up from wants, in spite of our needs. We are evolved in a certain way that we can’t really get rid of desires. However, our actions are based on the thought of fulfillment of these desires and they indirectly feed our needs. Did we ever think about what we actually need? We need peace in our heart and mind. This is the real treasure we need and we should desire for. We can’t survive without desire. After all, desires keep our lives in motion and attribute some sort of meaningfulness to it. We never thought about our heart’s true desire. We are merely following a monotonous lifestyle and routine. In this stagnant living, we might gain material wealth, but for our happy survival through the adversities of life, we need something to quench our heart, mind and soul. The most effective and easiest way to relax is to do something that is ...